Meet Our Governors

Our Governing Body is formed of eleven Governors drawn from staff, parents, local authority representatives and members of the local community.  In addition to the appointed Governors, we also have two Associate Members of the Board, one of whom is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. They input expertise to the business process but do not have voting rights on the Governing Board or on any committees.  Each Governor serves a four-year term of office, which may be renewed by agreement, and is appointed to the Full Governing Body (“FGB”).

All of our Governors are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct detailing their roles, responsibilities and the standards expected of them.  A copy of the Code of Conduct is included in the Files section at the foot of this page.

Details about each of our Governors are provided below.  Further information about the Governing Body and its structure and operation is provided on the Governor Information page which can be accessed via the link in the panel to the right or through the drop-down menu above.  A copy of the Register of Governors is available in the Files section at the foot of this page.


Dave Dawson (Chair) – Local Authority Governor (third Term of Office)

Ruth Walters (Vice Chair) – Co-opted Governor (first Term of Office)

Stuart Ludford – Headteacher

Kelly Harnett – Co-opted Governor (second Term of Office)

Samantha Atkinson – Co-opted Governor (first Term of Office)

Ruth Doughty - Co-opted Governor (first Term of Office)

Jasmine Garswood – Staff Governor (first Term of Office)

Paul Hamilton – Parent governor (first Term of Office)

Matt Hallett – Parent governor (first Term of Office)

Tony Leney – Parent governor (first Term of Office)

Cloudi Lewis – Parent governor (first Term of Office)

Associate Members

Kit Hardee – Associate Member (Deputy Headteacher)

James Heike – Associate Member

About our Governors

Dave Dawson – Local Authority Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Chair of Governors, Pay Committee & Finance Portfolio Holder, Chair of School Improvement Committee

Pen Portrait:   I moved to the area 4 years ago after taking early retirement from a senior position in a multi-national building materials company.  During my years as a business manager, leading teams of people to achieve organisational goals, I came to realise how vital it is for young people to leave school/college / university with the necessary social and subject skills for life after education and to allow them to progress to a fulfilling career.

I have been a Governor since mid-2016 and from my involvement so far, I firmly believe that Hazeldown is committed to providing the very best outcomes for local children.  I am presently using the skills gained during my working life to hold the school Finance Portfolio and to help with, and constructively question, decisions relating to financial expenditure.

Ruth Walters – Co-opted Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Vice Chair of Governors, Vulnerable Pupils Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I became a Governor in March 2021 as I live in Teignmouth and wanted to get more involved in the local community.

Having been a primary school teacher, and supported adults on probation who often missed out on their childhood education, I’ve seen first-hand the importance of a good education.  I am currently doing national policy work for the prison and probation service.

On the home front, I live with my two dogs, son and husband (yes, the dogs come first). We all love living in Teignmouth and having the moors so close by too. I am also in a virtual choir and, like so many, discovered during lockdown that I enjoy a bit of crafting.

Stuart Ludford – Headteacher

Pen Portrait: I have been headteacher at Hazeldown since January 2008 and have enjoyed working with all of the staff, parents, and children who have been part of the school community. I choose to be a governor, alongside my headteacher role as it is a key aspect of driving the strategic direction of the school. Being a headteacher-governor entails a balance and understanding of the role of the governing body and how I fit within it. I don’t hold a portfolio area but report on progress and outcomes across all areas of the school to each individual portfolio holder and the full governing body.

I enjoy and thrive on the challenge that comes with every aspect of school life and am passionate about working towards high-quality education where each and every child reaches their full potential. Excellent outcomes for children are paramount and much wider than a single test figure. I firmly believe in the concept of ‘the whole child’ and inclusion. Crucial elements of education such as breadth of the curriculum, a wide range of opportunities and equipping children with the values, skills, and attributes that will enable success should be maintained whatever the educational climate throws at schools.

I live in Torbay – close enough to school but not too close to have children on the doorstep at the weekend! Out of school time, I enjoy family time with my own children, kayaking and mountain biking. As a family, we spend time camping and exploring in this country and abroad.

Kelly Harnett – Co-opted Governor (previously a Parent Governor)

Specific Responsibilities: Personnel Portfolio holder, Head Teacher Appraisal Committee

Pen Portrait: I became a Parent Governor in January 2018. My knowledge and experience provided by my career to date, has given me the opportunity to hold the Personnel Portfolio.

I have worked within the Dental industry for the last 16 years, within both clinical and management areas. My current role as Practice Manager combines, Personnel, Health and Safety, legislation, and areas of Finance. This has given me the perfect opportunity to serve the school and the Governing board.

I am married with two young children. Both Children attend Hazeldown Primary School, one in key stage 1 and the other in key stage 2.

During my time on the governing board it has provided me a with a different insight into the school from a parent’s perspective. I am proud of the ethos of the school, its ‘Super North Star’ approach with the focus and direction that all members of the Hazeldown family strive to achieve for our children. The emphasis on achieving the future aspirations of our children are clear for all to see throughout the school.

On a personal note, as a family we enjoy coaching and playing rugby (as well as watching!), family time, including wellie walks, exploring the beach and also our beautiful countryside.

Sammy Atkinson – Co-opted Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Curriculum Portfolio Holder

Having lived locally for the past decade, Teignmouth is very close to my heart. The beaches, scenery and community all make this part of Devon a very special place to bring up my young family. We enjoy all that the area has to offer from summers spent on the beach to winter walks on the moors. My eldest has just joined Foundation Stage and is thriving on the care and support from Hazeldown Primary as he takes his first academic steps in school.

As a local deputy headteacher I appreciate the important role that education plays in our children’s lives and strongly believe in the power of learning to foster and nurture well rounded children capable of taking their unique place in this world. At a point where the world is changing rapidly, school is perhaps more important than ever, offering stability and a sense of belonging to all. I am committed to helping young people do their best and enjoy the challenge of working with other likeminded people to shape our tomorrows.

Ruth Doughty - Co-opted Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Safeguarding Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I moved to the area in January 2023 after holidaying here since 2015. Previously I lived in London and worked in Kent as the CEO of a multi-academy trust. I have many years’ experience as a Head Teacher and then CEO and therefore a wealth of knowledge within the education system to support Hazeldown in the role of governor. During my time in the education sector, I have been privileged to work alongside some extremely dedicated governors and trustees and now that I have more free time I am delighted to give something back to the system. Hazeldown was an easy choice for me to begin my journey as a governor as the ethos and values of the school sit very comfortably with my own. Mental health, well-being and inclusion are very important to me.

I live with my husband and cat and I enjoy reading, walking, swimming and Pilates.

Jasmine Garswood – Staff Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Curriculum Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I have worked at Hazeldown for six years as a class teacher in the Foundation Stage. I was lucky enough to start my career at Hazeldown as a student teacher in Year 1. I am also the Art and Design Subject Leader and enjoy organising exciting art activities for children across the school.

I have a passion for the Early Years Foundation Stage and take pride in supporting our youngest children to achieve their very best. I am always looking for new ways to enhance the provision and enjoy creating interesting lessons that foster a love of learning in our pupils.

I was born and raised in Teignmouth and enjoy living by the the seaside. Out of school time, I enjoy supporting and playing football for my local football team, dog walks and spending time with my family.

Paul Hamilton – Parent Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Finance Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait:  When one of my two children started their educational journey at Hazeldown in 2021, I took an active interest in ‘how things were done’ at Hazeldown – I was suitably impressed and when some vacancies arose for positions on the Governing Body arose, I decided to volunteer my time and see what I could offer. Having a background in business within the local community, I have been pleased to hold the portfolio for Finance. My role requires me to scrutinise expenditure to ensure best value for money, but also and more importantly the best outcomes for the pupils and to assist with setting and agreeing the School's annual budget.

Having moved to Teignmouth in my teens, I couldn’t think of a better place to raise my children. We enjoy spending our spare time either in, on or around the local waters and visiting new places in the West Country in our campervan. We also like to watch live music, preferably outside on long summer evenings!

Matt Hallett - Parent Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Premises and Health & Safety Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I am a new parent governor for Hazeldown School in my first term but have a strong connection to the School. My daughter is a student here, motivating my desire to see the School thrive. I have volunteered as a Parent Helper, assisting with activities like reading support and educational trips. Now, I want to further contribute by being a Governor. My goal is to help Hazeldown School maintain its excellent reputation and welcoming environment. 

With over 18 years with Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Service I have skills in leadership, training, and safety that I believe will benefit the School. I started my career as a firefighter in Plymouth and now my role is as a firefighting instructor within our training academy in Exeter.  I am eager to use my dedication, community involvement, and experience to support Hazeldown School in achieving success for all involved.  
I live in Teignmouth with my wife and daughter and we enjoy exploring the scenic countryside and beautiful beaches that our area has to offer.

Tony Leney - Parent Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Community & Parent Links Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I became a parent Governor in April 2024. Having moved to Teignmouth in 2012, I became a house husband and full time Dad in 2018 when my son, Arthur who is now in year one at Hazeldown, was born. Prior to this I worked in the public sector for over a decade as an environmental professional with roles including community engagement, project management, flood risk management and environmental impact assessment. I now run a screen-printed t-shirt business alongside my other roles. In my spare time, I love spending being outdoors with my family: growing vegetables, cycling, swimming, walking and camping. I also enjoy volunteering with forest school at Hazeldown when I can find the time!

Cloudi Lewis - Parent Governor

Specific Responsibilities: Vulnerable Pupils Portfolio Holder

Pen Portrait: I grew up in the local area but after university I ended up settled in Bristol for a number of years. Once we started our own family we made our way back to Devon to give our children the benefits of growing up around family in a lovely tight knit community next to to the sea.  I have a very varied CV as I have always been a self-employed musician which covers everything from vocal tuition to performing, and alongside this have retail management experience, optical assistant qualifications and lots of experience working with children as a TA, usually children with behavioural issues or special educational needs.

My main hobbies are music, songwriting and singing. I am currently recording my own new music with a local studio and also gigging in the local area, mainly with my covers band. I love anything crafty, photography, growing food, exploring Devon’s scenic areas and camping.  I have recently joined the governing body as a parent governor and hope to learn more about how the School is run. I am looking forward to being able to assist in anyway I can to enable the children at Hazeldown to reach their full potential and find the magic in learning. I believe they are currently doing a fantastic job at Hazeldown in the face of such challenging times where schools are being asked to do more and more with less funding.


Associate Members

Kit Hardee – Associate Member (Deputy Headteacher)

Pen Portrait:  I am really enjoying my role as the assistant headteacher at Hazeldown, which started in September 2019. Previously, I have been part of Hazeldown’s leadership team in my role as an upper key stage 2 team leader and have taught pupils predominately in year 6. Since joining the school in 2015, I have thrived as part of a successful leadership team who have had, and continue to have, a passion and determination to drive the school forwards- always looking for new ways to give our children the best possible opportunities within their education and to train them to have vital lifelong skills and learning attitudes.

I am extremely passionate about supporting, developing and inspiring all staff to excel in their careers and look forward to what the future holds. I am also the initial teaching training coordinator which involves the development of trainee teachers and liaising with three universities.

On a personal note, I am a keen footballer and, after having a semi-professional music career, I am now a drummer in a local covers band.

James Heike – Associate Member (former parent)

Specific Responsibilities: Associate Member, formerly member of the Governing Body with responsibility for Health & Safety Portfolio and Premises Portfolio.

Pen Portrait:  I was formerly a parent governor and I have been involved at Hazeldown for many years. I live locally to the area having attended Stokeinteignhead Primary School, TCS and Plymouth University.

Following a transient career in construction, I have now settled back in Teignmouth with my family. I have a background of over 20 years in construction management and a range of associated skills and qualifications. My hobbies include scuba diving, radio controlled aircraft, and D.I.Y.


Join the team

As at Autumn Term 2024, the Governing Body has a full complement of appointed Governors and there are no vacancies.  However, we are always interested to hear from those who believe that they can contribute to the work of the Governing Body and the School, so please do drop us a line if you would like to find out more about the role and about opportunities.  In the first instance, please contact either Stuart Ludford (Headteacher) or Tim Synge (Clerk to the Governors; contactable at [email protected]) for an informal chat.  If you do not currently have a child at the School but you feel that you can support the Governing Body by sharing your links with the local community, whether through local government, local business activity or other connections with Teignmouth and Teignbridge, then we would be pleased to hear from you.  If you are interested in becoming a school governor, see this guidance from Devon County Council.

Any advertisements for vacancies in the future will be notified on this page of the website. 

All new governors are supported in their work through an induction programme. All governors, both new and existing, are provided with access to a range of training opportunities to keep them informed about their responsibilities and developments in education and to help them perform to the highest standard.

Governor skills and knowledge are regularly audited each year and a training and recruitment plan is drawn up to address any gaps as necessary.

Wherever possible, the governors aim to be a visible presence in school. We are always keen to speak to our parents, carers and children. Your thoughts and feedback are important to us. If you have any concerns or questions you would like to ask, you can often find one of us on the playground before or after school for an informal chat. Alternatively, you can leave a message in person, by phone or by letter through the school office. You can also contact governors by emailing us at [email protected]. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Files to Download

Hazeldown Primary School
Maudlin Drive, Teignmouth,
Devon, TQ14 8SE
Stuart Ludford | Headteacher

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