To support our pupils in reaching automaticity with their addition & subtraction facts and multiplication tables we invest in the following resources:
Videos to help when supporting your child at home
Year 1 Maths Videos |
Year 2 Maths Videos |
Year 3 Maths Videos |
Year 4 Maths Videos |
Year 5 Maths Videos |
Year 6 Maths Videos |
Mathematical mindsets |
Rethinking giftedness |
Maths at our school
Intent (The ‘why’)
"If we encourage new generations of students who love learning and love maths, we’ll raise up kids who are prepared to take their place in society as free, empowered thinkers."
(Jo Boaler)
Through our high-quality maths education, we aim for all children to be successful in maths, having knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and the ability to make personal sense of them in the wider world. Our teaching allows opportunities to explore mathematical ideas, creating children who behave as mathematicians as part of a mathematics community. Such behaviours include:
- making decisions - both independently and collaboratively;
- working flexibly to answer questions, reflecting on the efficiency and simplicity of their chosen methods;
- making conjectures and generalisations and applying and testing these;
- having a go, being willing to share (even when unsure) and understanding that this is when learning takes place;
- being comfortable with not getting everything ‘right’ and embracing purposeful struggle;
- talking mathematics:
- articulating their thinking;
- taking responsibility for asking questions of others to clarify understanding;
- agreeing, disagreeing and justifying their thinking;
- responding in full sentences with the intention that everyone understands them;
- exploring the mathematics, guided by the teacher;
- working and learning collaboratively.
Our Maths curriculum aims to:
- provide a broad and challenging curriculum for all pupils and help them see how it relates to our everyday lives;
- create an environment in which children can enjoy maths and develop their confidence;
- enable children to apply their maths skills to help solve a wide range of problems;
- develop flexible thinkers who can choose appropriate and efficient methods to carry out calculations;
- encourage children to work logically and systematically when solving problems.
Curriculum Organisation:
Our Maths curriculum is structured to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum. At Hazeldown, we use White Rose Maths overviews to ensure that knowledge and skills within the subject are taught progressively and revisited over time; this revisiting of knowledge and skills leads to deeper learning. In addition to this, teachers use White Rose schemes, NCETM Professional Development Materials, Power Maths Textbooks, NCETM Mastery Documents, Ready to Progress Criteria (Non-Statutory Guidance) and Mastering Number to create carefully designed lessons based on the principles of Teaching for Mastery. All lessons have clear learning objectives, which are shared and reviewed with the pupils.
Maths teaching will include:
- all children working on the same questions, directed by the teacher in a ping pong style of teaching;
- a sense of togetherness with some children receiving extra support whilst others are asked to deepen understanding by explaining, predicting and proving;
- teaching that moves through the concrete, pictorial and abstract stages;
- lessons that are broken down into small manageable steps that create a coherent journey through the learning;
- an emphasis on fluency and flexibility;
- discussions centred around pattern seeking and using existing knowledge – “I know … so I know…”;
- the use of teaching assistants to support individuals or small groups during the lesson.
During the Foundation Stage, children work towards the Early Learning Goals. They have a daily maths lesson with whole class teaching and independent and guided activities. Every opportunity is taken to include maths in the continuous provision set up throughout the day.
From Year 1, all pupils receive a daily maths lesson taught in the Teaching for Mastery style. As well as a daily maths lesson, children have opportunities to develop their fluency in shorter arithmetic sessions. In Foundation Stage and KS1, these follow the Mastering Number Programme. In KS2, Years 3 and 4 develop the fluency of times table facts through the systematic teaching of sound patterns while Year 5 and 6 use Number Talks to develop both fluency and flexibility.
For further information on the Maths curriculum, please contact our subject leader, Sarah Davie, on [email protected].